MIA: International Working-Class Organizations: Comintern Archive: Red International of Labor Unions
Red International of Labor Unions
1921 – 1937
“The word ‘Profintern’ is a contraction of the Russian term ‘Professionalye Soyuz Internationalnye’ or, literally, ‘Occupational Union International.’”—The World’s Trade Union Movement, Lecture 5.
Encyclopedia of Marxism entry
First World Congress, July 1921
Fraternal Greetings:
First-Hand Accounts:
- The “Reds” in Congress: Preliminary Report of the First World Congress of the Red International of Trade and Industrial Unions, J. T. Murphy
- Report Red Trade Union Congress, J. T. Murphy
- The Red Trade Union Congress, Ellen Wilkinson
- Brief Report on the 1st World Congress of RILU, Evan E. Young, US Commissioner, Riga, Latvia
Second World Congress, November 1922
Third World Congress, July 1924
1922: Joint Appeal of the Comintern and Profintern on the United Front
1923: To the Workers of the World - Joint Appeal of the Comintern and Profintern
R.I.L.U. Figures
- William Z. Foster
- Fritz Heckert
- Solomon Abramovich (Alexandr) Lozovsky
- Tom Mann
- J. T. Murphy
- Andrés Nin
- Harry Pollitt
- Alfred Rosmer
- Mikhail Tomsky
1921: Program of Action of the Red International of Labour Unions, A. Lozovsky
1925: The Movement for World Trade Union Unity, Tom Bell
1927: What is the Red International of Labour Unions?, A. Lozovsky
1929: The Problems of Strike Strategy: Decisions of the International Conference on Strike Strategy
The Negro Worker (1928-1937)
Profintern Affiliates
National Minority Movement (1924-1933)United States:
Trade Union Education League (1920-1928)Rules [Constitution] for the Trade Union Educational League, 1922
Labor Herald Library No. 1 (1921): The Railroaders’ Next Step, Wm Z. Foster
Labor Herald Library No. 4 (1922): Bankruptcy of the American Labor Movement , Wm Z. Foster
Labor Herald Library No. 10 (1924): The World’s Trade Union Movement, A. Lozovsky
Labor Herald Library No. 11 (1924): Russia in 1924, Wm Z. Foster
Labor Herald Library No. 13 (1924): Lenin: The Great Strategist of Class War, A. Lozovsky
Labor Herald Library No. 14 (1924): Lenin and the Trade Union Movement, A. Lozovsky
Labor Herald Library No. 18 (1926): Strike Strategy, Wm Z. FosterTrade Union Unity League (1929-1935)
Last updated on 23 January 2025